The future of diabetes management
Truly non-invasive, continuous, and accurate glucose monitoring
Management team
Nicholas Furtak-Wells, PhD
Chief Executive Officer
Nicholas holds a PhD in quantum optics from Leeds University and is responsible for leading NIQS commercial strategy and driving the business forward.
He is one of the co-founders and co-inventors of NIQS’ technology. He is also the recipient of the prestigious QTEC and Royal Society of Edinburgh enterprise fellowships, as well as receiving support from the Innovate UK ICURe programme.
Benjamin Dawson, PhD
Chief Technical Officer
Benjamin holds a PhD in quantum optics from Leeds University and is responsible for leading R&D develop our revolutionary technology into a market-ready product.
He is one of the co-founders and co-inventors of NIQS’ technology, and has several years’ experience with running his own business. His cutting-edge research was supported by the NQIT (Networked Quantum Information Technologies) hub.
Robert Mathieson, PhD
Chief Operations Officer
Robert holds a PhD in photonic materials from Leeds University, and is a world-expert in the photonic chip technology that NIQS is exploiting for our sensing applications.
He is one of the co-founders and co-inventors of NIQS’ technology, and brings a wealth of commercial, technical, and operational experience that he garnered from building two spin-out companies, where he managed staff and lab operations.
Advisory board
Professor Gin Jose
Scientific Advisor - Photonic devices and materials
Gin is a global expert who has over 20 years experience developing photonic devices and materials, is one of the co-founders of NIQS and co-inventors of the technology we are commercialising.
He is the Chair of Functional Materials at Leeds University and has previously formed several spin-out companies to commercialise his research.
Professor Almut Beige
Scientific Advisor - Quantum optics and Quantum technologies
Almut is world-renowned expert in quantum optics and quantum technologies, and she is also one of the co-founders and co-inventors of NIQS’ revolutionary sensing technology.
She is the Head of Theoretical Physics at Leeds University, and has previous experience working with and helping academics to form spin-out companies to commercialise their academic research.
Professor Ramzi Ajjan
Clinical Advisor - NHS Consultant in diabetes & endocrinology
Ramzi is a consultant in diabetes and endocrinology at the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, and he is also a professor of metabolic medicine.
His clinical practice is concentrated on managing young adults with type 1 diabetes, and complex patients with type 2 diabetes. He is the local R&D lead for diabetes and endocrinology in Leeds and regional Clinical Research Network co-lead in diabetes, endocrine and metabolic disorders. He is deputy Chair of Clinical Study Group 2 at Diabetes UK and Associate Editor of Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research.
Professor Sikha Saha
Clinical advisor - In-vitro trials and biosensor expert
Sikha is a professor of cerebrovascular medicine who has more than 20 years experience conducting both in-vitro and clinical trials.
She also has extensive experience developing and validating point-of-care biosensors and other types of bioimaging tools.